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​Baby Showers

​Business Events

​Real Estate Open House

Restaurant Special Events

​School Events


Greeting Ideas


*Happy 20th Birthday {name}!                                *50 Cheers For 50 Years!

*Happy Sweet 16 {name}!                                      *Still Looking Fine {name} is 39!

*How Fun! {name} Is 1!                       ​                   *Lordy Lordy!  {name} Is 40!

*Oh No! {name} Is The Big 40!                              *{name} Is Over The Hill                 

 *{name} Is Looking Great at 28, 38, 48, 58...

*{name} Is 50 And Fabulous!                                  * Party On (name)!

​*Happy Birthday {name} is 1!                                 *Happy Birthday (your name)!

*Celebrating 30 Years of {name}!                           *Fishing You A Happy Birthday!

*Best Fishes On Your Birthday!                               *It's The Big One!

* {name}, Happy Birthday!                               *Happy Birthday {name}, Old Buck!

{name} is Hot & Flashy at 50!                                  *{name} is 50 & Fab!

​50 is 5 Perfect 10's!  We {heart} {name}!                  * Scream!  {name} is 13!

​*The Shower Is Here!                                           *Happy 25th Anniversary!

*Celebrating {name} & {name} {wedding date}      *Cheer's To Many More Years!

*{name} & {name} I DO! {wedding date}

*Best Wishes {name} & {name} {wedding date}


​*The Party Is Here!                     *Congrats On Your Retirement!                 *Graduations:

*Happy New Year's (year)!           *Thank You Coach {name}!                *Congrats Grads (class of)!

*Happy Valentines Day!              *Welcome Home (your name)!          Congrats {name} (class of)!

*Happy Mother's/Father's Day!     *Way To Go {name}!                                 {college name} Bound! 

*World's Greatest Dad/Mom!                *Be My Prom/Homecoming Date {name}?   *Casino Party:

*We {heart} Our Mom/Dad/Grandma/Grandpa!          *Bunko Party!            Will you go to prom/Marry Me? (Name)

​*It's A Boy/Girl! {name}                                       *Congratulations {mom's name}!

*{name} Is Here! {weight}                                      *The Shower Is Here!

*Welcome Baby {name}! {weight}                           *Let's Shower {name} With Love!


​*UT Bound!                                                      *Spring, Klein, ORHS,TWHS,CPHS, Conroe

 *SMU Bound!                                                  * Baseball, Football, Swim, Band, Cheer, Dance, Choir, Golf, Basketball, Volleyball

 *Congrats (your name) ORHS liberty Belle      * #1 Cheerleader/#1 baseball player (your name)    

 *CPHS, ORHS, TWHS #1                                *ORHS Class Of                      

 *TWHS Cheer (your name) you made it!

​*For Realtors:  Open House; Welcome Home {name}; Congrats On Your New Home {name}!

*For Restaurants:Announce new product; Now Open!; Happy Hour!; Grand Opening!; Wine Tasting!

​*For Stores:  Special Promotions!

​*For Garage Sales/Estate Sales!                              *Now Leasing! Excellent School's!

​*Welcome Back Students!                                    *We {heart} Our Teachers!

*Registration/Donations                                      *Auction/Gala Tonight!

*Happy Summer!                                                *Happy Birthday {teacher's name}!

*Countdown To Summer!                                     *Coach {name} Rocks!

*Our Cheerleaders Rock!                                     *{school name} Baseball/Football, etc #1!

*Congrats State/District Champs!

Paypal and Credit Cards Gladly Accepted

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